Tuesday, January 11, 2011

H o a X of the year?


“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”

read more here

Cerita ni keluar 9hb Jan yg lepas. Dari pemerhatian dan pembacaan di forum-forum kata semua ni hoax jer.. sebabnya..

Until now, the only site weeklyworldnews.com who wrote stories is about going to the closing up. There is no official media reported, because the site is only weeklyworldnews.com. The content is far from the truth.

lg satu, korang baca apa mamat tu kata kat atas tu? PUIII.. kalo dah out of control jual jela..apa nak tutup2.. ramai yg menunggu je tuh..masyuuukk lagi!!! PUIII...

Tp ada satu ayat dia ni(kalau betul dari dia la)...

“Frankly, this is the best way. Without up, people will go out and create friendships that’s true. It is always a good thing,” he said.

Betul kan?????

Like I Care: seb baik aku xde facebook...ahaks.

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