Sunday, April 29, 2012


This is base on my previous experience.. maybe someone will not agree with me but for me.. as we are not there.. or even if we are there but not in the position to saw the real picture.. just shut up and let the authorize person to deal with it. As per Ustaz Don mention here.. I'm totally agreed.

Status ini ditulis adalah untuk semua warga kerja 30Minit Ustaz Don secara khususnya dan team TV al-Hijrah secara Am nya...
saya merayu agar jangan ada siapa2 dikalangan 'ahli keluarga' (30Minit Ustaz Don secara khususnya dan team TV al-Hijrah secara Am nya) menulis apa2 STATUS atau STATMENT yang berunsur MENCABAR atau MAKI HAMUN mana2 pihak tak kira kiri atau kanan dan apa2 yang boleh mencalar bukan satu individu..tetapi SEBUAH KELUARGA(30Minit Ustaz Don secara khususnya dan team TV al-Hijrah secara Am nya). kita yang tak dak ditempat kejadian mendengar banyak spekulasi. yag kiri kita dengar dan yang kanan kita dengar.
Tolong biar mereka yang terlibat yang mengambil apa2 tindakkan yang sewajarnya. samada kiri atau kanan.biar masing2 amik tindakkan.
Nabi SAW bersabda, "BERKATA BAIK, ATAU DIAM"..tolong...ingat sama orang lain sebelum kita berkata2...
terima kasih atas perhatian semua kerana sudi membaca status ini.
Moga2 Allah memberkati kalian.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

I'm Watching.... ASTRO

For Astro subscribers.. this is your chance to preview what channel you really need to subscribe.. try to go for every channel and make ur own choice.. what is good for ur money.. for guidance, those who want to reduce ur monthly fees just remove the movies & sport.. u'll see the diff than.. but it's not the case of whom who always watch movie/sport.. so far the best package that suit me is superpack 1.. pls refer astro website to see the details.. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finale 2012

FIGHT until end! Even with 10 man, without the real centreback.. facing the 'best team' in the world.. finally we do it.. finish the enough job to go to the FINAL. Now lets finish it with glory in the final and bring home the trophy to Stamford Bridge!


SEE YA IN MUNICH.. TQ Torress ;)

Barcelona 2 Chelsea 2 (agg 2-3): Brave Blues fight way to Champions League final with Torres goal after Terry's red card madness

10-man Chelsea into Champions League final over Barcelona

Monday, April 23, 2012

For the sake of football

For the sake of football, Barcelona must beat Chelsea, blasts Van der Sar

Former Holland and Manchester United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar says he hopes Chelsea lose to Barcelona in the Nou Camp after their negative tactics in the first leg.

While the Blues have been praised for their defensive display by their fans – the reaction around Europe has been quite different.

And two time Champions League winner Van der Sar hopes that Barca get the better of Chelsea with their attacking style of play on Tuesday night.

Read more:

Is it really for the sake of football or for the sake of ur former club who cannot beat the so-called "best team in the world" bro? ptuihhhhh!!!

I just like this two comments for this posts:

You play the best way you can against better teams an if it means shutting them down and playing a negative game then so be it, what would you rather them do roll over and let the better teams walk all over you? No, you choose your tactics and then after the game sit back and wait for the negative comments come in from people like this idiot. We know what it’s like at Stoke with these sort of comments we have had them for the last four year. Idiots. And good luck to them when they go to Spain.

What a ridiculous opinion from VDS. Chelsea played to their strength. In order to win a game you have to play to your strengths and the opponents weaknesses, i.e. defending deep in numbers and punting long balls. I hope Chelsea go to the final, who wants the same team winning every year?? This group of players deserve to have won this competition at least once in the last 8 years. And with regards to 'Chelsea just got lucky': ok well yes they were slightly fortunate but consider this... Messi - 7 shots - 1 on target - 1 off target and 5 blocked. The last minute shot that hit the post was deflected by Ivanovic and Cole onto the post. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN LUCK. Good luck on Tuesday Chelsea


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blogger World

10th April 2012 is my 4th anniversary of using blogspot.. and almost 7 years experiencing a blog WORLD as a blogger (3th August).

Years is just numbers.. no matter its BIG or small.. the most important things is how u manage the numbers.. thanks to all viewers.. for making me what I am today.. I'll always be myself.. no matter what words I use here.. ahaks..

thats y lorrr all my latest posting is all about blog & blogger world.. hehehe..


Blogging is truly the next thing and can happen right now if you really sit down and bust your butt to get where you need to be …….. Where does a person need to be ? That’s up to them!

Eric Heavilin



Rule of blogging

1. Always be yourself
2. Always be yourself
3. Always be yourself
4. Always be yourself
5. Always be yourself
6. Always be yourself
7. Always be yourself
8. Always be yourself
9. Always be yourself

yeahhh.. only one (1) rule. U can write what things u like, what things u dont like.. which person u like? which person u dont like? which person u 'not so' like? anything... nobody will know but u must remember this.. GOD knows.. i know i'm not perfect.. my writing is bad but that is me.. i'm trying to do the best.. i always want to be the best.. among the best! that's the real me!

How come u can say u 'not so' like me but at the end all ur work n references is 'so like' mine? coincidence huh? hmmm... It's ok for me.. nothing to lost.. follow the best! ahaks

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


MAS-AirAsia deal rewarding experience: Fernandes

KUALA LUMPUR -- The share swap deal between Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and AirAsia has been a rewarding experience to date with good progress achieved in respect of collaboration, says AirAsia Bhd Group Chief Executive Officer, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes.

Read more: MAS-AirAsia deal rewarding experience: Fernandes

Since the what so called 'swap deal' is done, MAS are more worst than ever but Air Asia still maintain the profit. So who u are talking about Tony.. is it u only Tony? or to u & ur company Air Asia? That's one that I can see until now...


To whom it may concern,

Just shut ur mouth until u have the GOOD things to talk! If ur team cannot do it just shut up.. let the one who told that they can do it clarify the things & do it.. the more u talk.. the more people will hate u.. so please.. just shut up!

Thank You.

What they said?
Govt needs to spend RM43b if PTPTN were abolished
Plans to abolish PTPTN not viable, says Khaled Nordin

Monday, April 2, 2012


Sometimes we'll know which level of appreciation from people just in one word.. For me it's very BIG different between "thanks" and "thank you so much".. Maybe they just not excited with what they received or maybe the person who gave it is not what they want so just say thanks to show the appreciation... I know.. You know.. God knows best!

Dont be sad if you're not appreciated
but sad when you're not worth anymore...


sushi lovers

That is why i'm not what so called 'sushi lovers'.. if possible to avoid.. so please.. avoid it reef.. hmmm.. just a simple reminder to myself... and those who are muslims.. insyaAllah..

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool

NO April Fool in ISLAM!


A reminder from Sultan!

Don’t try to lobby me for awards, says Sultan of Johor

KUALA LUMPUR: The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, has issued a reminder that the conferment of medals and awards in the state is the absolute prerogative of the reigning Ruler.

The Sultan said the conferment of the medals and awards was based on his own “observation” and not anyone’s recommendation.

“As such, no one should try to lobby me on this matter,” he said at the “Johor In My Heart” ban­­- quet organised by the Association of Johor-born Malays here last night.

read more