New "Downadup" PC worm is making the rounds
This new computer worm sounds like a particularly nasty piece of work:
The largest corporate malware outbreak in more than seven years may be affecting organizations that are fully patched, researchers said Friday.
Nearly nine million machines worldwide have been infected with the Downadup, or Conficker, worm -- including some 6.5 million in the past four days alone, said Mikko Hypponen, the chief research officer of anti-virus firm F-Secure. That makes this the biggest corporate virus outbreak since Nimda unleashed its fury in 2001.
While Microsoft did issue a patch to protect against the vulnerability exploited by Downadup, apparently applying the patch doesn't offer 100 percent protection.
However, Microsoft has issued an update for its Malicious Software Removal Tool, and says it can be used to detect and delete the worm.
Fuuhhh giler.. ini berita dunia. Bukan takat berita Israel serang Palestin, berita PAS menang di Parlimen KT dan juga bukan berita Juara Lagu.. ini berita mmg dah meletup minggu lepas lagi. Dia punya effect kat ofis aku pun benda ni dah start merebak. Punca utama dia THUMB DRIVE! Dah berbuih mulut kitaorang pesan.. nak cucuk THUMBDRIVE ni kat PC SCAN dulu.. SCAN dulu.. tak paham2 so dah kena masalahnya ni benda ni dah merebak.. penyakit bila dah merebak mmg payah nak ubat..bak kata orang mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati.
So satu PERINGATAN buat sapa2 yg belum kena virus/worm ni lagi especially untuk personal PC:
1) Pls keep your AntiVirus UPDATED
2) SCAN all file that downloaded in internet
4) DON'T use UNKNOWN software
5) BOIKOT MICROSOFT!!! use MAC/LINUX..huhuhu..
Hope this simple TIPS will help you guys.. All the best!
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