It's been almost 4 years in blogging world, finally i've met in person the one who stand by what they call 'Bloggers United'. It's all about the change that the've done to the cyber political world in Malaysia and really.. i'm impressed with what they've DONE. Someone call them animal but that's will not make them down or mad! WoW! I'm really Impressed bro! Hope this is what we call the beginning of the POSITIVE me! peace.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dialogue w Rocky's Bru
It's been almost 4 years in blogging world, finally i've met in person the one who stand by what they call 'Bloggers United'. It's all about the change that the've done to the cyber political world in Malaysia and really.. i'm impressed with what they've DONE. Someone call them animal but that's will not make them down or mad! WoW! I'm really Impressed bro! Hope this is what we call the beginning of the POSITIVE me! peace.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Penanti vote is on
PUTRAJAYA, April 27 — The Election Commission (EC) today finally set May 31 as polling day for the Penanti state by-election in Penang.
Nomination day is set for May 23.
The announcement today ended days of intense speculation that the EC might reject the vacancy notification from the Penang assembly speaker, after former Penang Deputy Chief Minister Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin resigned on April 16.
The EC was supposed to reveal the dates three days ago but decided to delay it, resulting in the opposition questioning it’s independence but the commission said the postponement was caused by unresolved administrative matters.
The Penanti by-election is the sixth since the general election last year and was described by Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a waste of public funds and the Prime Minister had indicated that Barisan Nasional (BN) could skip the contest.
In the general election last March, Fairus defeated Permatang Pauh Umno division chief Datuk Abdul Jalil Majid by 2,219 votes.
In 2004, Jalil won the Penang state seat by 667 votes.
(c) MalaysianInsider
PUTRAJAYA, April 27 — The Election Commission (EC) today finally set May 31 as polling day for the Penanti state by-election in Penang.
Nomination day is set for May 23.
The announcement today ended days of intense speculation that the EC might reject the vacancy notification from the Penang assembly speaker, after former Penang Deputy Chief Minister Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin resigned on April 16.
The EC was supposed to reveal the dates three days ago but decided to delay it, resulting in the opposition questioning it’s independence but the commission said the postponement was caused by unresolved administrative matters.
The Penanti by-election is the sixth since the general election last year and was described by Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a waste of public funds and the Prime Minister had indicated that Barisan Nasional (BN) could skip the contest.
In the general election last March, Fairus defeated Permatang Pauh Umno division chief Datuk Abdul Jalil Majid by 2,219 votes.
In 2004, Jalil won the Penang state seat by 667 votes.
(c) MalaysianInsider
Ole-ole Kuching

Maaf. Patutnya entri ni masuk dulu sebelum yg #1 tu. Adalah sebab musabab nya yg tak perlu dihuraikan. Anggaplah ini intro ya.
Last week aku & family bercuti di Kuching, Sarawak. Empat hari tiga malam jer. Kira acara tahunan la ni cuti-cuti dalam Malaysia. Nak bercuti ke luar negara rasanya macam tak sanggup lagi la sebab MALAYSIA sendiri pun aku tak abis pusing. So, dalam semua negeri kat Malaysia skrg ni negeri yg aku tak sampai lagi ialah Perlis & Kelate jer.. dua-dua nun di atas peta Malaysia. Tapi tu takpelah, bole drive jer.. mmg dlm plan pun nak pegi ngan family adik-beradik.. buat family outing la tuh.
Takpe, skrg ni masa untuk hal Kuching. Bercuti mmg best! Sapa kata bercuti tak best nak-nak aku yg mkn gaji nih cuti aku ditanggung. Maksudnya gaji jalan ler..hehehe. So, perjalanan percutian kalini nmpk tersusun la sikit walaupun takde tourist guide & proper listing plan perjalanan dari hari ke hari sebab semua aku letak kat kepala otak jer..maknanya, bila dah dalam kepala tu bole la copy, paste, move & even delete terus jer..faham ke? lu fikirlah sendiri.. hahaha..
Pengalaman mengajar beb.. taknak jadi mcm g KK last year.. byk masa terbuang kat benda2 yg tak patut, yg boleh plan lebih awal..hmmmm...
Citer psl Kuching ni, aku pernah la sampai kat airport Kuching ni last 3 years..kat airport je sbb masa tu transit nak ke Sibu.. so takleh kuar lah. Masa tu airport tu tgh renovate.. skrg ni dah siap.. nama pun Kuching International Airport.. yg x best tmpt nak check in ngan entrance ujung ke ujung.. huhhh..
Bila nak citer Kuching nih daaa? byk sgt iklan..hehehe.. so, citer details pun x kot cuma aku ringkaskan citer2 tu dgn siri ole-ole Kuching slps ni.. nnt aku citer la bersama gambar2 tu yea.. sekian buat waktu ini.. tbc in #2 & ...
p/s: gmbr kat ats tu gmbr bandar Kuching dari seberang Sungai Rajang.. sungai serawak.. sungai terpanjang di Malaysia di tengah2 bandar Kuching.. kelihatan di situ Restoran Khatulistiwa dan di blkg tu Hotel Riverside Majestic.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ole-ole Kuching #1
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Aku dah balik! Auk!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Award from Yati's Blog

Yati ni kawan lama aku. Kawan masa belajar Dip tahun 1996-1999 dulu. Skrg ni dia surirumah come businesswoman. tp bisnes dia dari rumah jer sbb dia buat online bisnes(betul ke ayat ni Yati? hehehe..) Bila tetiba dpt award ni terkejut jgk le psl tak tau plak dia tau blog aku..ko baca ke blog aku? yelah, jgn kata komen.. letak link kat blog pun xde..lg nak tinggal apa2 kat shout box tu..hehehe.. yg pasti mmg aku selalu jengah blog dia nak tgk apa produk baru yg dia jual..tu psl aku letak link blog dia kat blog aku. Thanks for the award Yati!
Aku tak tau apa award ni sebenarnya tp ikut pemahaman aku award ni maksud dia penghargaan. So, award ini adalah tanda penghargaan buat rakan2 bloggers yg sudi berkongsi suka duka dan juga maklumat yg mereka dapat melalui blog mereka..dan hasilnya hubungan sesama kawan ni tak putus insyaAllah.
Terma & Syarat Untuk Penerima Award Ini.
1. Letakkan logo award ini di blog anda.
2. Anugerahkan award ini kepada 10 Blog yang anda anggap paling berinspirasi dan sangat mesra.
3. Pastikan anda menyatakan penghargaan ini melalui ‘backlink’ dengan blog yang anda anggap paling memberikan inspirasi dan mesra dari blog anda.
4. Informasikan penerima award mengenai award yang mereka terima dengan menyatakan komen di blog mereka.
5. Berbagi cinta dan sayang untuk penghargaan ini kepada pemberi anugerah ini.
So, aku pun nak teruskan la pemberian award ini kpd 10 blog di bawah. Sesapa yg tak dapat jgn kecik hati plak ya..
1. Yati's Blog - spt diterangkan di atas
2. Life is simple! Don't make it complicated - aku byk rujuk blog ni utk info IT/new tech
3. Think More... - suka duka dikongsi bersama.. cheewahhh..
4. edisi merapu meraban - seseorg yg berprinsip.. ayat bodek nih.. hahaha..
5. My Journey - power IT mamat nih.. rujukan yg sgt berguna utk aku
6. Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin - suara anak muda Malaysia
7. One Love..Peace! - Lan..geng setan merah yg jahat.. peace bro! hehehe..
8. madaiz - citer suka duka seorg cikgu sekolah zaman sekarang
9. Lia soul speakioss - satu geng ngan momo.. kena baca dua2 nak compare cerita
10. momolicious - best gak baca citer budak-budak pompuan nih.. peace momo! hehehe..
Cheers everyone!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It's not just a DRAW bro!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Mayonnaise Jar

The Mayonnaise Jar
When things in your life seem, Almost too much to handle,
When 24 Hours in a day is not enough,
Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class
And had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly,
He picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar
And proceeded to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students, If the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured
them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.
The pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls.
He then asked The students again
If the jar was full.. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand
And poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded
With an unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced Two cups of coffee from under the table
And poured the entire contents Into the jar, effectively
Filling the Empty space between the sand.
The students laughed.
'Now,' said the professor, As the laughter subsided,
'I want you to recognize that This jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things - God, family,
children, health, Friends, and Favorite passions –
Things that if everything else was lost
And only they remained, Your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter Like your job, house, and car.
The sand is everything else --
The small stuff.
'If you put the sand into the jar first,' He continued,
'there is no room for The pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time And energy on the small stuff,
You will never have room for The things that are
Important to you.
Pay attention to the things That are critical to your happiness.
Play With your children.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your partner out to dinner.
There will always be time
To clean the house and fix the disposal.
'Take care of the golf balls first --
The things that really matter.
Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
One of the students raised her hand
And inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled.
'I'm glad you asked'.
It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,
there's always room for A couple of cups of coffee with a friend..'
Please share this with other "Golf Balls"
I just did.......!!! to all of you who read this blog.. hehehe..
WFD09.. Selesai sudah....
Alhamdulillah..segala-galanya telah selesai..
Sedikit cerita utk dikongsi bersama..
Seronoknye XVTV family day wisecommunity nih...besh banget..sape x join rugi..hehe
Ribuan terime kasih kepada semua yang terlibat menjayakan xtvt terutama kepada ajk/committee yg bg komitmen penuh kali nih..u all mmg besh..mcm semua selalu ckp “Apa yang penting………….KERJASAMA”
Ringkasan perjalanan xtvt
0715 – Gerak keluar rmh jumpa Karls kat Tol LDP
0730 – Ngam2 sampai tempat RV konvoi.. yelah patutnya gerak awal ngan geng2 F&B tp nmpk tycoon je sorang dah ada. Kol Chef Rudy katanya jap lg sampai.
0800 – Rudy dah sampai tp geng yg nak konvoi pun dah bertambah ramai. So penghulu kata join jela konvoi..lepak2 je sbb dah ada geng yg dah belah awal.. OK Lor... kelihatan juga pak polis trafik tgh lepak kat jalan depan tuh.. aik, ni nak tahan ke nak escort kitaorang nih? tak lama diaorg blah.. lmbt sgt tunggu kitaorg gerak kot..hehehe..
0830 – Group 1 konvoi mula bergerak.
1000 - Konvoi group 1 dr CP1 tiba beramai2 di Bagan Lalang. Dlm 10 minit kemudian group 2 pun sampai.
1030 - Sesi suai kenal ramas mesra, serta sesi sarapan pg(bihun goreng)
1100 - Pembahagian group, sesi pembakaran segala makanan dan sukaneka dimulakan dgn game kanak2..alaa..bebudak ni dah standby 2 game tp mcm xde sambutan kurangkan jd 1 game je..lgpun masa makin suntuk plak nih.
1115 - Game dewasa pun start. Sesi 1 game asing2..Candat sotong darat,Back2Back Bomb, Jangan Pandang Belakang & U jump I jump. Sesi 2 plak sesi race.. Terompah Kaki Tiga, Kakimu Kakiku Jua & Drift Pasir.. yg game race ni baru nampak lagi kecoh...dan pancit semua org..hahaha..
1230 - makan time!! Ngam2 time yg di plan.. Nyum..nyum…menu besh…..
1400- Keputusan !! Goup d'reds tu menang la…Syabas..Syabas.. satu point je beza..
1430 - Majlis bersurai & acara bebas bermula..
1500 - Geng yg tinggal start main Futsal pantai..mula2 redup pastu bole panas plak.. perghhh.. terbakar le semua org..hahaha..
1645 - Bertolak balik ngan Karls
1745 - Selamat sampai rumah.. alhamdulillah.
Ok.tu jela..selebihnya.. hanya gambar mampu bercerita... hehehe...
* pics ehsan dari bro Fadz

.. dan di hari kejadian

Briefing xtvt by...

xtvt bermula..

dan akhirnya...
Sedikit cerita utk dikongsi bersama..
Seronoknye XVTV family day wisecommunity nih...besh banget..sape x join rugi..hehe
Ribuan terime kasih kepada semua yang terlibat menjayakan xtvt terutama kepada ajk/committee yg bg komitmen penuh kali nih..u all mmg besh..mcm semua selalu ckp “Apa yang penting………….KERJASAMA”
Ringkasan perjalanan xtvt
0715 – Gerak keluar rmh jumpa Karls kat Tol LDP
0730 – Ngam2 sampai tempat RV konvoi.. yelah patutnya gerak awal ngan geng2 F&B tp nmpk tycoon je sorang dah ada. Kol Chef Rudy katanya jap lg sampai.
0800 – Rudy dah sampai tp geng yg nak konvoi pun dah bertambah ramai. So penghulu kata join jela konvoi..lepak2 je sbb dah ada geng yg dah belah awal.. OK Lor... kelihatan juga pak polis trafik tgh lepak kat jalan depan tuh.. aik, ni nak tahan ke nak escort kitaorang nih? tak lama diaorg blah.. lmbt sgt tunggu kitaorg gerak kot..hehehe..
0830 – Group 1 konvoi mula bergerak.
1000 - Konvoi group 1 dr CP1 tiba beramai2 di Bagan Lalang. Dlm 10 minit kemudian group 2 pun sampai.
1030 - Sesi suai kenal ramas mesra, serta sesi sarapan pg(bihun goreng)
1100 - Pembahagian group, sesi pembakaran segala makanan dan sukaneka dimulakan dgn game kanak2..alaa..bebudak ni dah standby 2 game tp mcm xde sambutan kurangkan jd 1 game je..lgpun masa makin suntuk plak nih.
1115 - Game dewasa pun start. Sesi 1 game asing2..Candat sotong darat,Back2Back Bomb, Jangan Pandang Belakang & U jump I jump. Sesi 2 plak sesi race.. Terompah Kaki Tiga, Kakimu Kakiku Jua & Drift Pasir.. yg game race ni baru nampak lagi kecoh...dan pancit semua org..hahaha..
1230 - makan time!! Ngam2 time yg di plan.. Nyum..nyum…menu besh…..
1400- Keputusan !! Goup d'reds tu menang la…Syabas..Syabas.. satu point je beza..
1430 - Majlis bersurai & acara bebas bermula..
1500 - Geng yg tinggal start main Futsal pantai..mula2 redup pastu bole panas plak.. perghhh.. terbakar le semua org..hahaha..
1645 - Bertolak balik ngan Karls
1745 - Selamat sampai rumah.. alhamdulillah.
Ok.tu jela..selebihnya.. hanya gambar mampu bercerita... hehehe...
* pics ehsan dari bro Fadz

.. dan di hari kejadian

Briefing xtvt by...

xtvt bermula..

dan akhirnya...

Friday, April 10, 2009
Kita jumpa besok!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
mahukan yg sempurna...

akanku berterusan
mencari pengertian
terhadap aku
biarku menghapuskan
sangsi yang berterusan
kau mahukan segalanya sempurna
mungkinkah kau bercandah
kerna tiada yg sempurna
kau dan aku pasti begini
menempuhi onak dan duri
suka duka bersamamu
dan yang pasti aku kan disini
kau dan aku harus begini
menempuhi setiap hari
senyum tawa air mata
dan barukan sempurna
takkanku berterusan
tuk cuba memuaskan hatimu
berkaliku katakan yang
aku milikmu
berkali juga kau bertanya
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Info: Credit Card Holder
All Malaysians should be made aware of this clause ...... The limit of your liability for a lost or stolen credit card is RM250.00 only under Rule 13.2 of the Bank Negara rules on credit card if it has been fraudulently used. Please note this limit and ensure that your bank does not overcharge you should your card have been used illegally.
Most are unaware of RM250 limited liability - PLEASE READ AND BE INFORMED!
CARDHOLDERS need not pay more than RM250 whenever their lost or stolen credit cards are used by others. Yet, often times, they end up paying much more. This is because Bank Negara has not informed cardholders that they do not have to pay more than RM250 for fraudulent transactions carried out using their lost or stolen cards, when they had not acted fraudulently and had informed the banks about the lost or stolen cards as soon as possible.
This protection is given under Clause 13.2 of Bank Negara's Credit Card Guideline:
"The cardholder's maximum liability for unauthorised transactions as a consequence of a lost or stolen credit card shall be confined to a limit specified by the issuer of credit cards, which shall
not exceed RM250 provided the cardholder has not acted fraudulently or has not failed to inform the issuer of credit cards as soon as reasonably practicable after having found that his credit card is lost or st! olen."
Banks know about Clause 13.2 but have chosen to ignore it. Instead they pursue cardholders for the fraudulent transactions. They will tell cardholders that a clause in the credit card contracts states that all transactions carried out before the loss of the cards are reported to the banks, are deemed to be carried out by the cardholders. Many cardholders then pay up because they are unaware of the RM250 limited liability.
Bank Negara should rule that:
*THE RM250 maximum liability on fraudulent transactions is highlighted to cardholders in the card agreements as well as in the monthly card statements.
*BANKS are not allowed to insert any clause in the card agreement which is contrary to Clause 13.2.
*BANKS should refund all money in excess of the RM250 collected from cardholders whose cases clearly come under Clause 13.2.
Consumers Association of Penang
Sikit tambahan dari kawan aku yg keje BNM..
clause 13.3 : where the amount imposed on the cardholder for unauthorised transaction due to lost or stolen credit cards is in excess of the max liability limit, the issuer of credit cards has to prove that the cardholder has acted fraudulently or failed to inform the issuer of credit card as soon as reasonably practicable after having found that his card is lost or stolen...
Most are unaware of RM250 limited liability - PLEASE READ AND BE INFORMED!
CARDHOLDERS need not pay more than RM250 whenever their lost or stolen credit cards are used by others. Yet, often times, they end up paying much more. This is because Bank Negara has not informed cardholders that they do not have to pay more than RM250 for fraudulent transactions carried out using their lost or stolen cards, when they had not acted fraudulently and had informed the banks about the lost or stolen cards as soon as possible.
This protection is given under Clause 13.2 of Bank Negara's Credit Card Guideline:
"The cardholder's maximum liability for unauthorised transactions as a consequence of a lost or stolen credit card shall be confined to a limit specified by the issuer of credit cards, which shall
not exceed RM250 provided the cardholder has not acted fraudulently or has not failed to inform the issuer of credit cards as soon as reasonably practicable after having found that his credit card is lost or st! olen."
Banks know about Clause 13.2 but have chosen to ignore it. Instead they pursue cardholders for the fraudulent transactions. They will tell cardholders that a clause in the credit card contracts states that all transactions carried out before the loss of the cards are reported to the banks, are deemed to be carried out by the cardholders. Many cardholders then pay up because they are unaware of the RM250 limited liability.
Bank Negara should rule that:
*THE RM250 maximum liability on fraudulent transactions is highlighted to cardholders in the card agreements as well as in the monthly card statements.
*BANKS are not allowed to insert any clause in the card agreement which is contrary to Clause 13.2.
*BANKS should refund all money in excess of the RM250 collected from cardholders whose cases clearly come under Clause 13.2.
Consumers Association of Penang
Sikit tambahan dari kawan aku yg keje BNM..
clause 13.3 : where the amount imposed on the cardholder for unauthorised transaction due to lost or stolen credit cards is in excess of the max liability limit, the issuer of credit cards has to prove that the cardholder has acted fraudulently or failed to inform the issuer of credit card as soon as reasonably practicable after having found that his card is lost or stolen...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Learn IT: Tips dari kawan..
Got this important TIPS from one of my friend.. Lancer cuba laaa....
Everybody want net connection in full speed. But no body will get it. Some peoples claim that if you want boost your internet connection, you need special software. For me it's only 5% or less different after use it. This new hobby for internet surfer start since 1999 when I saw my friends try and try until he can get more speed for connection. Result? disappointed LOL.
Even me, I tried it before but useless. How ever I study about it and asked people who expert (very² expert) in networking & internet connection. You can check by yourself your own internet connection and do something about it and enjoy your increase internet connections. Just follow this step.
1. Phone Line
- Make sure your phone line in very good condition. Some case having problem with connection just because phone line problem. Example, always disconnection, cannot connect to the internet and internet connection very slow. This problem you can't fix it by yourself. Please contact phone provider to check and fix it.
2. Cable Distance
- I assume we all using modem with router for broadband connection. How long cable from modem to your pc or hub? For best result, you need less than 1 meter distance from modem to pc or hub. With this, we have less lost data in cable because each copper cable have value for lost data (straightness).
3. Server
- If you have more than 1 pc sharing 1 internet connection, don't set as a server and others pc sharing from it. Example:
[modem] --> [server] --> [client]
[modem] --> [server] --> [hub] --> [client]
In this case if server down, all client can't get internet connection. Server (PC) will have high priority for internet connection. That's mean if server download something from internet, all client pc's will lagging or in others word client get slow connection.
So for best result, use this connection:
[modem] --> [hub/switch] --> [client]
Switch will manage for data transfer. All pc's will have same speed connection for internet. If 1 pc down, others still can get internet connection. So if you have cyber cafe, please double check & confirm which one you use.
4. Other issues
- Using 1mbps internet speed connection but get more than 1mbps. Why and how this happen? As you know for internet connection have exchange & center. If your location far far away from exchange & center, you will have less speed. This is because of distance. For me, I have 1mbps internet speed but I get 1.5mbps. Why? because my location near the exchange & center. I can say my location less than 1km from it. So thats why I can get more speed.
tips: If you always go to cyber cafe, use pc which near the hub or switch. This is because you will have less lost data because of distance, unless the owner cyber cafe know nothing about it and have long long cable for each pc's hehehe
Test your Internet connection speed at
Everybody want net connection in full speed. But no body will get it. Some peoples claim that if you want boost your internet connection, you need special software. For me it's only 5% or less different after use it. This new hobby for internet surfer start since 1999 when I saw my friends try and try until he can get more speed for connection. Result? disappointed LOL.
Even me, I tried it before but useless. How ever I study about it and asked people who expert (very² expert) in networking & internet connection. You can check by yourself your own internet connection and do something about it and enjoy your increase internet connections. Just follow this step.
1. Phone Line
- Make sure your phone line in very good condition. Some case having problem with connection just because phone line problem. Example, always disconnection, cannot connect to the internet and internet connection very slow. This problem you can't fix it by yourself. Please contact phone provider to check and fix it.
2. Cable Distance
- I assume we all using modem with router for broadband connection. How long cable from modem to your pc or hub? For best result, you need less than 1 meter distance from modem to pc or hub. With this, we have less lost data in cable because each copper cable have value for lost data (straightness).
3. Server
- If you have more than 1 pc sharing 1 internet connection, don't set as a server and others pc sharing from it. Example:
[modem] --> [server] --> [client]
[modem] --> [server] --> [hub] --> [client]
In this case if server down, all client can't get internet connection. Server (PC) will have high priority for internet connection. That's mean if server download something from internet, all client pc's will lagging or in others word client get slow connection.
So for best result, use this connection:
[modem] --> [hub/switch] --> [client]
Switch will manage for data transfer. All pc's will have same speed connection for internet. If 1 pc down, others still can get internet connection. So if you have cyber cafe, please double check & confirm which one you use.
4. Other issues
- Using 1mbps internet speed connection but get more than 1mbps. Why and how this happen? As you know for internet connection have exchange & center. If your location far far away from exchange & center, you will have less speed. This is because of distance. For me, I have 1mbps internet speed but I get 1.5mbps. Why? because my location near the exchange & center. I can say my location less than 1km from it. So thats why I can get more speed.
tips: If you always go to cyber cafe, use pc which near the hub or switch. This is because you will have less lost data because of distance, unless the owner cyber cafe know nothing about it and have long long cable for each pc's hehehe
Test your Internet connection speed at
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