Japanese earthquake and tsunami disaster, Day Two, morning sitrep
Tsunami warnings issued last night are not yet over, but Taiwan and the Philippines escaped without any damage. In Hawaii, sirens sounded and many people were evacuated. They experienced some 9-foot waves, but no major damage. Warnings have been lifted already for Guam and Indonesia, but there are still fears that the tsunami wave might cause damage further out and the west coast of the US is bracing itself in case, and some areas of Mexico and South America could also be affected. This includes Chile and Peru
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Japan Disaster, Day 3, pm sitrep, 2011-03-13
Atomic Emergency: Can Japan avert a meltdown, or not?
There are now three reactors at the Fukujima nuclear power plant which are in trouble. Technicians have been using fire trucks to pump seawater into the Fukijama Dai Ichi (Number 1) reactor in a desperate last-ditch attempt to cool it down. They used sea-water because there was no fresh water available to them, but that means that the reactor will never be capable of being started up again.
Engineers have been venting radioactive steam from at least two of the three damaged reactors to try and reduce the pressure inside. Some observers believe this could indicate the beginning of a meltdown or a partial meltdown in reactors No 1 and No 3 (Fukujima Dai Ichi and Dai Ni).
The Tokyo Power Company and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says the reactors are safe, but no outside experts have confirmed this. There is no conclusive proof either way, and some people believe that officials have seemed slow to release bad information.
The nuclear facility is on the sea coast 170 miles (270 kms) north of Tokyo.
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Like I Care: Fikir-fikirlah kerajaan sebelum decide nak bangunkan Teknologi Nuklear kat Malaysia nih.. mmg Malaysia so far selamat dari bencana mcm nih(Alhamdulillah) tp kalau Allah kata Kun Fayakun.. tiada siapa dapat halang.. mintak2 dijauhkan.. amin...
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