Setelah 10 tahun aku tgk blk citer ni mlm tadi...kat TV je plak tuh! pergh lamanya kan? Nampak sgt filem2 ni ada musim dia. Tak silap aku tahun tu mmg org tgh giler tgk citer Komik2 mcm nih..tak tau le kalau kami student2 masa tu je yg suka plak kan? hahaha.. tapi masa citer ni kuar aku mmg giler la layan movie ni.. masa tu aku tgk kat VCD jer.. student la katakan.. sampai ada gelaran HERO utk aku.. dari....??? (ni Pyan ngan Amy je tau nih!) syhhhhh... mcm bagus! hahaha.. biasalah sapa lg nak puji diri sendiri!

OK psl citer ni actually pelakon dia lebih kurang je sama ngan pelakon filem Storm Riders(satu lg citer adaptasi dari komik). Yg pasti ada E-Kin Cheng & Heroin dia yg CUN tuh..hmmmm.. i like! Kat bwh ni ada sinopsis citer tu skit copy & paste je tak reti nak ulas panjang-panjang... layannnnzzzz....
Hero Hua must flee to America after he kills a foreigner who was responsible for the death of his parents, he leaves behind his wife and friends. During the voyage to America he becomes friends with a monk, after leaving the ship they are brought to a mine where they must payoff the cost of the voyage. Hero ends up killing one of the cruel guards and must go into hiding. Meanwhile his wife, who is pregnant, and his friend come to America to find him. After a few weeks they meet and decide to live in America. Shadow a fellow student of Hero comes to warn him a danger as there are several ninja's after them seeking information about their master. After several terrible incidents a prophet informs Hero that he is cursed and all around him will have bad luck and misfortune. He choose to leave everyone around him because he fears for their safety but how long can he hide from his destiny.
Apapun, yg best tgk E-Kin Cheng dlm filem ni.. dia mmg COOL.. dan HANDAL ler... RESPECT! Walaupun cuma cerita la kan? hehehehe..
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tak dapat tengok abis...
abah tengok Helo Malaysia...
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